We are your full spectrum team.
Fertility Consultation
Maybe you are new to this journey or maybe you’ve been on it for a while. You are hungry for information, resources and for someone to talk to who can truly relate. Support is critical and we are here to provide that to you.
We offer in-home or virtual Fertility Consultations and a number of FREE in-person and online support groups.
Make London Fertility Concierge a part of your team.
Appointment Attendee
Knowing first hand how overwhelming appointments can be we are here to help with that too.
Your appointment may be short and loaded with medical lingo and an overwhelming amount of information. We are here to help break it all down for you in a way that you will fully understand and know what to expect as you move forward. You will know what questions to ask, and feel comfortable and confident.
Injection Training
Bloodwork and ultrasound have confirmed you are going to start injections. You pick up your prescription, get it home, spread it all over your counter and say to yourself “now what?!”
Our job is to walk you through every step. A certified injection specialist will come to your home (or virtually) to go over the process step by step in a way that is calming and will build your confidence.
Free Groups
This group is for anyone on the journey to conceive and may be struggling with fertility/infertility in London, ON and immediate surrounding area. Post questions, seek advice, and share your journeys with others. This is a CLOSED Group due to privacy and confidentiality. We hope you find reassurance and support here. Please be kind and supportive.
Pregnancy Support Group Through Infertility Group
Doula Support
The miracle of life has happened and there is now a baby on the way! London Fertility Concierge is here to continue working with you. Professional, educated, experienced and a certified doula. The continuous and familiar support you want in your corner. Providing Childbirth Education, labour/birth support and in-home postpartum care.
All services include a free 15-minute phone consultation.